Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Interested in having Easter photos taken of your children or family?
Friday morning March 13th my friend and I are offering Easter mini sessions at Da Buzz in North Platte from 9-12 am. We will have our professional lights and white background set up as well as a variety of simple props.
$30 per child/person, $10 each additional person and which includes 5-10 images uploaded to a professional ordering sight for you to order conveniently!

Friday, March 6, 2009

A few more...

Isaac was testing my lights for me!
Jackson took this picture of Isaac and I !

Valentine's Day Candy Works Great As Bribery!

Our Valentine's Day Card....

This is Jackson's family portrait he drew at preschool. I thought it was super cute!

This is the Valentine's Day Card I created and sent out. I thought it would be fun to share with those that hadn't seen it. :)